Thursday, July 05, 2012

Oh no, Bev has been at the dentist!

Having comforted Bev last night and told her not to worry about her 15 minute dental appointment - after all, how much pain can they inflict in 15 minutes - she staggered through the front door an hour later looking as though she had been in a fight!  One side of her face was swollen and lopsided (the Hunchback of Notre Dame sprang to mind but I wasn't daft enough to say it), and the rest of her face looked as though it was covered in bruises!  On closer inspection, the blue colouring flaked off - it was from the stuff they use to take impressions of your teeth.  She is now shell-shocked but recovering, though she is not looking forward to her next appointment on the 20th July. 

So, what did she have done?  Well, she had a huge injection, an old crown removed, root canal treatment and a pin inserted, with a temporary crown until her new crown is ready.  She also had another tooth prepared for a crown, and next time she goes to the dentist she will also have a filling.

Oh dear, I wonder if they let an old teddy bear come and hold her hand while they are poking around Bev's teeth.  If not, we'll need to terrorise some old codger for his supply of temazepam!

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