Friday, July 20, 2012

Kitty's Glucose Curve - great progress!

We had to take Kitty for his 3-monthly glucose curve this week, so that the vet could see how he was getting on with his insulin injections.  He has been absolutely fantastic recently and is his old bouncy, feisty self again.  But image our amazement when we were told that he was doing so well that they don't need to see him again for 6 months!

They did point out that he has now put on all the weight he lost and more, so he is now a whopping 6.2 kilos, which is 13lbs 6oz!  Eeek, no wonder my legs go numb when he sits on them for any length of time!  But he isn't fat, he's just a healthy fighting weight, though the vet doesn't want him to get much bigger.

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