Friday, July 08, 2011

Apologies for the lack of posts!

Apologies for the lack of posts recently, but things have been so hectic - we have moved back into our house (more of that later), Bev is studying for an exam, and on top of all of that Bev discovered she had to apply for her current job!  My poor pet is totally stressed out so I have been comforting her and haven't had time to blog about what we have been getting up to.
Moving back into the house was much better than the move to the farm (Bev still hasn't recovered from that move!), but there was still lots of work to be done on the house - new kitchen work surface, fixing a leak in the ceiling, replacing missing tiles in the downstairs loo, poor painting (we said we didn't want the the blind painter working on our house, but they didn't listen!).
The house is mostly in order, but poor Bev and Paul still face a mountain of boxes to empty.  The took a holiday recently to do just that, but both agreed that going out and about (even in the rain) was much more fun than emptying boxes :-)  We agree!

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